Browse mineral resources



Sterling Pond Talc Deposit

Eden Quarry

Unnamed Talc and Asbestos Occurrences

Unnamed Rip-Rap Quarry

Eastern Magnesia Talc Mine

Unnamed Talc Occurrence


Johnson Pit and Mill

Town Pit

Reed Pit

Ferland Pit

Asbestos Mine

Unnamed Iron Location

French Hill Talc Mine

Unnamed Galena Occurrence

Waterville Talc Mine

Tillotson Prospect

Rousseau Talc Mine

Judevine Brook Locality

Little Elmore Pond Locality

Morrisville Prospect

Unnamed Copper Mine

Udall Mine

Lamoille River Drainage Placer Deposits

Morrisville Prospect

Udall Mine/Wolcott Mine

Talc Mine (No Name)

Asbestos Mine

Emerson Pit

Johnson Mine and Mill

Johnson Pit and Mill

Ferland Pit

Town of Stone Gravel Pit

Ree* Pit

Town Pit

Wolcott Pit

Serpentine A and T Area

Percy Pit

Kullmann Sand and Gravel, Inc

Johnson Talc Mine

Walcott Copper Mine

© 2010-2018 Lee C. Baker unless noted. All rights reserved.